How is running/cycling important to you?
How much is running/cycling the protagonist in your life?
How would you live without running/cycling?

Reflect, with the help of the test, on the role you assign to running/cycling in your way to be, to think and to behave.

1.If your life were a castle, running/cycling would inhabit:
A the main banquets and parties hall with the huge fireplace.
B the most beautiful, warm and intimate room
C the dungeons of the castle, in the basement
D the castle tower

2.When you get a lower than expected result in running/cycling:
A makes you want to hang up your shoes!
B you are frustrated and angry: your desire to running decreases
C you feel the desire to train more
D you don't run for a few days

3.You have an hard race or workout tomorrow. Tonight you are invited to a birthday party:
A you control yourself: you do not drink, you do noy binge, you leave early
B you have fun carefree
C you indulge in almost everything, but you don't come home too late
D you celebrate, but you moderate yourself in eating and drinking

4.Love and passion for running7cycling are like:
A the wind: they come and go
B the fire: sometimes you think they are almost a disease
C the earth: solid and constant
D the water of a river: sometimes calm, sometimes in flood

5.Usually you live your running/cycling fantasies like:
A a TV commercial, interlude between the things you have to do
B moments that fuel your motivation
C passing clouds
D your own secret rainbow, dreaming great deeds

6. Among these recipes, to face a period in which you feel down, you would choose to:
A focus on family ties and true friendships
B increase your workouts because if you run, you don't think
C loving you more, planning your life better
D pulling an idea, a project, a journey out of the drawer

7. Friends invite you to spend a Saturday afternoon with them, running7cycling on the bank of a beautiful river. One of the more pleasant moment is when:
A you prepare your bag and exit closing the door behind you
B you are in the car and drive towards the river
C you return home, in the evening, tired but satisfied
D you are running/cycling on the river bank

8. In your running/cycling there is also or mainly:
A the testing of yourself
B the pleasure of living
C the desire to relax
D a specific goal to achieve

9 A guy like you, in the desert dunes might chase:
A the finish line of an exhausting race
B the pyramids history
C the thrill of a new track that who knows where it goes
D the emotion of a day as a Tuareg

10. You made arrangements with others for a workout, but today you don’t feel like it:
A but if you have a commitment, you keep it
B strange! It never happens that you don't feel like running/cycling
C you cancel it, even if you feel a little guilty
D you give up and you don't have any problems

11.If you are constant in runningcycling, it is mainly because you like it and even because:
A reflects your philosophy of life
B is a sport that you are really passionate about
C is a physical activity that keeps you fit and makes you feel good
D is a way to socialize and preserve friendships

12. Imagine you've canceled running/cycling from your life:
A you miss it, but basically you have a thousand interests
B impossible, it's too empty!
C is difficult, but maybe you could replace it with another sport
D you rest for a while

Check the table: a score is associated with each answer. Add all the points and calculate the total.

Question n.ABCD

TOTAL: ____


Write in the post (or private message) your total score, and Cledis, our psychotherapist and sport psychologist, will send you the interpretation.